Reseed Lawn Tips and FAQs

Reseeding a lawn is key to maintaining a lush, healthy yard. Whether filling in bare patches or revitalizing an old lawn, understanding the process is crucial. This guide covers common questions on preparation, seed selection, watering, and maintenance, providing the knowledge you need for a thriving lawn.

Reseed Lawn FAQs

Reseed Lawn FAQs


1. What is lawn reseeding?

Lawn reseeding involves planting new grass seeds into an existing lawn to improve its density, fill in bare spots, and enhance its overall appearance.

2. What is overseeding, and how is it different from reseeding?

Overseeding involves spreading grass seed over an existing lawn to improve its density and health without disturbing the soil significantly. Reseeding typically refers to repairing bare spots or renovating an entire lawn.

3. What is the difference between overseeding and reseeding a bare spot?

Overseeding is spreading seeds over an existing lawn to improve density, while reseeding bare spots specifically targets areas with no grass.

4. What is hydroseeding, and is it effective for lawn reseeding?

Hydroseeding involves spraying a slurry of seed, mulch, and fertilizer onto the soil. It’s effective for large areas and provides good seed-to-soil contact and moisture retention.

5. What is slit seeding, and how does it differ from traditional reseeding?

Slit seeding involves cutting small grooves in the soil and placing seeds directly into them. This method ensures better seed-to-soil contact and can be more effective than broadcasting seeds over the surface.

6. What are the signs that my lawn needs reseeding?

Thinning grass, bare patches, increased weed growth, and general decline in lawn health are signs that reseeding may be necessary.

7. What type of grass seed should I use?

Choose a grass seed that matches your existing lawn type and is suitable for your climate. Common options include Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and fescue.

8. How much does it cost to reseed a lawn?

The cost of reseeding a lawn varies depending on the lawn size, grass seed type, and additional materials like fertilizer and topsoil. On average, it can range from $0.10 to $0.30 per square foot.

9. What type of grass seed should I purchase?

Choose grass seed based on your climate, lawn conditions, and usage. Common types include:

  • Cool-season grasses: Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, fescue.
  • Warm-season grasses: Bermuda grass, zoysia grass, centipede grass.

10. Can I reseed over my existing lawn, or do I need to remove the old grass?

You can reseed over an existing lawn without removing the old grass. The key is to ensure good soil contact by mowing, raking, and aerating the lawn before reseeding.

11. What types of grasses are best for high-traffic areas?

For high-traffic areas, consider using durable grass types such as Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, or turf-type tall fescue.

12. Can I use leftover seeds from a previous season?

Grass seeds can lose viability over time. Store seeds in a cool, dry place and check the expiration date. Test germination rates before using older seeds.

13. How do I calculate the amount of seed needed for my lawn?

Measure the area to be reseeded and follow the seeding rate recommendations on the seed package. For example, 3-4 pounds of seed per 1,000 square feet for overseeding.

14. Can I mix different types of grass seed when reseeding?

Yes, mixing grass seeds can improve lawn resilience and appearance. Choose compatible varieties suitable for your region and lawn conditions.


15. When is the best time to reseed a lawn?

The optimal time to reseed a lawn is during the early fall or spring. In fall, cooler temperatures and increased rainfall help seeds germinate, while in spring, seeds can take advantage of warming temperatures.

16. Is it okay to reseed during hot summer months?

Reseeding during hot summer months is not ideal due to high temperatures and potential drought stress. If necessary, increase watering frequency and use shade cloth to protect young seedlings.

17. Is it necessary to overseed annually?

Overseeding annually can help maintain a dense, healthy lawn, especially in high-traffic areas or regions with harsh weather conditions.

18. Can I reseed my lawn during winter?

Winter is generally not recommended for reseeding due to cold temperatures and slow germination. However, in mild climates, dormant seeding in late fall might be effective.


19. Can I reseed in areas with heavy clay soil?

Amend heavy clay soil with organic matter to improve drainage and aeration. Aerating the soil before reseeding can also help improve conditions for seed germination.

20. What is the importance of soil testing before reseeding?

Soil testing provides information on pH and nutrient levels, allowing you to amend the soil appropriately for optimal grass growth. It helps ensure that the soil conditions are suitable for the new seeds.

21. How can I deal with compacted soil when reseeding?

Aerate compacted soil before reseeding to improve air and water penetration. Adding organic matter can also help improve soil structure.

22. How do I handle clay or sandy soils when reseeding?

Amend clay soils with organic matter to improve drainage and aeration. For sandy soils, add compost or peat moss to retain moisture and provide nutrients.


23. How do I prepare my lawn for reseeding?

  1. Mow the lawn: Cut the grass shorter than usual.
  2. Remove debris: Rake away leaves, thatch, and dead grass.
  3. Aerate the soil: Use a lawn aerator to create small holes for better seed-to-soil contact.
  4. Apply a starter fertilizer: Helps provide nutrients for new seedlings.

24. How do I choose the right seed-to-soil ratio?

Follow the recommended seeding rate on the grass seed package. Generally, use about 3-4 pounds of seed per 1,000 square feet for overseeding, and 5-10 pounds per 1,000 square feet for bare or thin areas.

25. How to spread topsoil over an existing lawn?

To spread topsoil over an existing lawn, follow these steps:

  1. Mow the lawn: Mow the grass to a shorter length.
  2. Remove debris: Rake away leaves and debris.
  3. Apply topsoil: Use a shovel or spreader to distribute a thin layer (about 1/4 inch) of topsoil evenly over the lawn.
  4. Spread evenly: Use the back of a rake to spread and smooth the topsoil.
  5. Water: Water the lawn thoroughly to help the topsoil settle.

26. How can I ensure even seed distribution when reseeding?

Use a broadcast spreader for large areas and a drop spreader for precise application. Walk in different patterns to ensure even coverage.

27. Should I mix grass seed with topsoil when overseeding?

Mixing grass seed with topsoil is not necessary. Instead, spread the seed over the lawn and then lightly rake or top-dress with a thin layer of topsoil or compost to ensure good seed-to-soil contact.

28. What spreader settings should I use?

Spreader settings vary by brand and seed type. Refer to the grass seed package for recommended settings. Adjust the spreader to ensure even coverage without over-applying.

29. How do I know what type of grass I have?

Identify your grass type by examining its growth pattern, blade shape, and texture. You can also consult a local nursery or extension service for help.

30. How long can I store grass seed before it goes bad?

Grass seed can be stored for 1-3 years if kept in a cool, dry place. Check the packaging for expiration dates and perform a germination test if unsure.

31. How much grass seed should I buy?

The amount of grass seed needed depends on the lawn area and seed type. Refer to the seed package for coverage recommendations, typically measured in pounds per 1,000 square feet.

32. How do I spread the grass seed?

  1. Broadcast spreader: Use a broadcast spreader for even distribution.
  2. By hand: For smaller areas, you can spread seeds by hand.

33. Do I need to cover the seeds?

Lightly rake the seeds into the soil to ensure good seed-to-soil contact. Optionally, you can cover the seeds with a thin layer of straw or mulch to retain moisture and protect from birds.

34. Should I aerate my lawn before or after reseeding?

Aerating before reseeding is beneficial as it helps improve soil compaction, enhances seed-to-soil contact, and allows better water and nutrient penetration.


35. How long does it take for grass seeds to germinate?

Germination typically takes 7-21 days, depending on the grass type and weather conditions.

36. Will grass seeds germinate on top of soil?

Grass seeds can germinate on top of soil if they have good seed-to-soil contact. Lightly raking the seeds into the soil or covering them with a thin layer of topsoil can improve germination rates.

37. Why didn’t my grass seed germinate?

Common reasons include poor soil-to-seed contact, insufficient watering, using old or poor-quality seeds, or seeding at the wrong time of year.

38. I planted my grass seed and it didn’t grow. What’s wrong?

Common reasons for grass seed not growing include:

  • Poor seed-to-soil contact.
  • Insufficient watering.
  • Using old or poor-quality seed.
  • Seeding at the wrong time of year.
  • Soil issues such as pH imbalance or compaction.

39. How can I improve the chances of seed germination?

Ensure good seed-to-soil contact, keep the soil consistently moist, use a starter fertilizer, and protect the seeds from birds and erosion.

40. How do I deal with patches that didn’t germinate well?

If certain patches didn’t germinate, wait a few weeks to see if more seeds will sprout. If not, reseed the bare spots, ensuring proper soil preparation and watering.


41. How much water does newly seeded lawn need?

Keep the soil consistently moist until the seeds germinate. Water lightly but frequently, ensuring the soil doesn’t dry out.

42. How often should I water after the seeds have germinated?

After germination, gradually reduce watering frequency while increasing the amount of water per session. Aim for deep watering 2-3 times a week to encourage deep root growth.

43. How do I manage watering if I have automatic sprinklers?

Adjust the sprinkler system to provide light, frequent watering until seeds germinate. Once established, transition to deeper, less frequent watering.

44. How can I tell if I’m overwatering my reseeded lawn?

Signs of overwatering include waterlogged soil, yellowing grass, and fungal growth. Adjust watering frequency to maintain moist, but not soggy, soil.

45. What if my lawn has poor drainage?

Improve drainage by aerating the soil, adding organic matter to improve soil structure, and leveling any low spots to prevent waterlogging.

45. How do I maintain a reseeded lawn in drought conditions?

Water deeply but infrequently to encourage deep root growth. Use mulch to retain moisture and consider drought-resistant grass varieties.


46. Can I reseed a lawn with weeds?

Yes, but it’s important to manage the weeds first. Consider using a selective herbicide and waiting a few weeks before reseeding.

47. What should I do if weeds start growing along with the new grass?

Wait until the new grass is established before applying selective herbicides to control weeds. Hand-pulling weeds is an option for small areas.

48. How can I avoid spreading weeds while reseeding?

Use clean, weed-free grass seed and avoid applying weed killers until the new grass is established. Regularly inspect the lawn for weeds and remove them promptly.

49. How do I handle areas with heavy weed infestations before reseeding?

Address weed infestations by applying a selective herbicide or manually removing weeds. Wait for the herbicide to break down before reseeding.

50. Can I plant new grass after using a weed control product?

Wait at least 2-4 weeks after applying weed control products before planting new grass. Check the product label for specific recommendations.

51. When can I use weed control products on my new grass?

Wait until the new grass is established, usually after the third mowing, before applying weed control products. Young grass can be sensitive to herbicides.

52. Can I use pre-emergent herbicides before reseeding?

Pre-emergent herbicides prevent seeds from germinating, so they should not be used before reseeding. Wait until the new grass is established before applying these herbicides.


53. Is it necessary to fertilize before reseeding?

Yes, applying a starter fertilizer before or immediately after reseeding provides essential nutrients that support seedling growth and development.

54. Can I use grass seed mixed with fertilizer?

Yes, many seed mixes come pre-coated with fertilizer to provide essential nutrients during germination. Follow the product instructions for best results.

55. Should I use starter lawn food?

Yes, using a starter fertilizer provides essential nutrients to support the growth of new grass seedlings. Apply it according to the package instructions.

56. Do I need to use lawn feed before seeding?

Applying lawn feed or a starter fertilizer before seeding can provide nutrients that support seed germination and early growth. Follow the product instructions for best results.

57. What should I do if it rains heavily after reseeding?

Heavy rain can wash away seeds. If this happens, you may need to reseed the affected areas once the soil dries out. Lightly raking and covering the seeds with straw or mulch can help protect them.

58. How do I handle sloped areas when reseeding?

For sloped areas, use erosion control blankets or netting to keep the seeds in place. Water gently to avoid washing seeds away.

59. How do I know if my soil needs improvement before reseeding?

Conduct a soil test to determine pH and nutrient levels. Amend the soil with lime, sulfur, or fertilizers as needed based on the test results.

60. Can I use compost instead of fertilizer when reseeding?

Compost can be an excellent organic alternative to synthetic fertilizers. Mix it into the topsoil to improve soil structure and provide nutrients for seedlings.

61. Should I use a specific type of fertilizer for reseeding?

Use a starter fertilizer high in phosphorus to promote root growth. Follow the recommended application rates on the fertilizer package.


62. When can I mow the newly seeded lawn?

Wait until the new grass is about 3-4 inches tall before mowing. Use a sharp blade and mow at a higher setting to avoid stressing young grass.

63. What is the ideal mowing height for a newly reseeded lawn?

Keep the mowing height higher (about 3-4 inches) for the first few mowings to reduce stress on young grass and encourage deep rooting.

64. How do I care for the reseeded lawn?

  1. Watering: Continue regular watering until the grass is well-established.
  2. Fertilizing: Apply a balanced fertilizer after 4-6 weeks to encourage growth.
  3. Weed control: Avoid using weed control products until the new grass is mature.


65. Can I walk on my lawn after reseeding?

Minimize foot traffic on newly seeded areas until the grass is well-established. Walking on the lawn can compact the soil and disrupt seedling growth.

66. Can I use a lawn roller after reseeding?

A lawn roller can help press seeds into the soil, improving seed-to-soil contact. However, use a lightweight roller to avoid compacting the soil too much.

67. How long should I wait to reseed after using herbicides?

Wait at least 2-4 weeks after applying herbicides before reseeding to ensure that the chemicals have broken down and won’t harm new seedlings.

68. What can I do to prevent birds from eating my grass seed?

To protect seeds from birds, cover them lightly with straw, mulch, or a thin layer of compost. Bird netting can also be effective.

69. How can I protect my reseeded lawn from pests?

Use organic or chemical pest control methods depending on the type of pests. Keep the lawn well-maintained to reduce the habitat for pests.

70. Can I reseed my lawn if it’s shady?

Yes, but use shade-tolerant grass varieties like fine fescues or certain types of ryegrass. Ensure the area gets at least a few hours of sunlight daily.

71. How do I know if the seeds are germinating properly?

Look for small grass sprouts within 1-3 weeks, depending on the grass type. Keep the soil moist and check for consistent growth across the reseeded area.

72. What should I do if my lawn has a lot of thatch?

Dethatch the lawn using a dethatching rake or machine before reseeding to remove the thick layer of organic material and improve seed-to-soil contact.

73. How do I manage compaction in high-traffic areas?

Aerate high-traffic areas regularly and use resilient grass varieties. Avoid heavy foot traffic on newly seeded areas until the grass is established.

74. What’s the difference between cool-season and warm-season grasses for reseeding?

Cool-season grasses (e.g., bluegrass, ryegrass) grow best in cooler climates, while warm-season grasses (e.g., Bermuda, zoysia) thrive in warmer regions. Choose based on your local climate.

75. Can I use my lawn immediately after reseeding?

Avoid using the lawn for heavy activities until the new grass is well-established, usually after several weeks of growth.

76. What maintenance steps should I follow after the grass is established?

Continue regular watering, mowing, and fertilizing. Address any weed or pest issues promptly and consider aerating annually to maintain soil health.

77. Can I reseed a lawn that has been chemically treated recently?

Check the label of any chemicals used for restrictions on reseeding. Generally, wait at least 2-4 weeks after chemical treatment before reseeding.

78. Is it better to reseed by hand or with a spreader?

Using a spreader ensures even distribution and is recommended for larger areas. Hand spreading can be effective for small patches or touch-ups.

79. What are the common mistakes to avoid when reseeding a lawn?

  • Not preparing the soil properly.
  • Using old or poor-quality seeds.
  • Overwatering or underwatering.
  • Ignoring the recommended seeding rate.
  • Not protecting the seeds from pests and birds.

80. Can I apply lime and reseed at the same time?

Yes, you can apply lime and reseed simultaneously if a soil test indicates the need to adjust the soil pH.

81. How can I prevent soil erosion after reseeding?

Use erosion control blankets, mulch, or straw to cover the seeds and stabilize the soil. Water gently to avoid washing away seeds.

82. How do I reseed a lawn that has been heavily shaded by trees?

Choose shade-tolerant grass varieties and consider trimming tree branches to increase sunlight. Ensure the soil is well-aerated and amend it with organic matter to improve growing conditions.

83. Should I remove moss before reseeding?

Yes, remove moss before reseeding by raking it out and treating the area with a moss killer if necessary. Improve drainage and soil conditions to prevent moss from returning.

84. How do I reseed a lawn that has been damaged by pets?

Repair pet-damaged areas by removing any waste, loosening the soil, and applying new seed. Use pet-friendly grass varieties and consider barriers to keep pets off newly seeded areas.

85. Is it necessary to top-dress after reseeding?

Top-dressing with a thin layer of compost or soil can help improve seed-to-soil contact, provide nutrients, and protect seeds. Apply lightly to avoid smothering the seeds.

86. What is the role of mycorrhizal fungi in reseeding?

Mycorrhizal fungi form beneficial relationships with plant roots, helping them absorb nutrients and water more efficiently. Some grass seed mixes include these fungi to promote healthy growth.

87. How can I reseed a lawn with a steep slope?

For steep slopes, use erosion control blankets or netting to keep seeds in place. Hydroseeding can also be effective in these areas. Ensure consistent watering to prevent seed washout.

88. What are the benefits of using a seed spreader?

Seed spreaders provide even seed distribution, which helps ensure consistent germination and growth. They also make the seeding process faster and easier.

89. Can I apply mulch immediately after reseeding?

Yes, applying a light layer of mulch can help retain moisture and protect seeds. Avoid applying too thick a layer, as it can smother the seeds.

90. How do I handle areas with heavy foot traffic during reseeding?

Use durable grass varieties for high-traffic areas and consider temporary barriers to keep people off newly seeded sections. Regularly aerate and overseed these areas to maintain density.

91. What should I do if my lawn is infested with insects before reseeding?

Treat insect infestations with appropriate pest control methods before reseeding. Ensure the soil is free from pests to give new seeds the best chance to thrive.

92. How long should I avoid using my lawn after reseeding?

Avoid heavy use of the lawn for at least 4-6 weeks to allow new grass to establish. Light foot traffic can be allowed after the grass reaches 3-4 inches in height.


Reseeding a lawn can transform your outdoor space into a lush, vibrant haven. These FAQs provide essential tips for successful reseeding, from seed selection to watering techniques. With the right knowledge and care, your lawn will flourish, enhancing your property’s beauty and value.

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