Lawn Weeding Tips and FAQs

Maintaining a healthy lawn involves more than just mowing and watering; effective weed control is essential. This FAQ guide provides practical answers to common lawn weeding questions, from identifying and managing various weeds to safely handling lawn clippings after applying weedkillers. Whether you’re dealing with most difficult weeds, or preventing them in future, you’ll find expert advice to keep your lawn pristine year-round.

Lawn Weeding FAQs

Lawn Weeding FAQs

Why is it important to weed my lawn? 

Weeding is crucial for maintaining a healthy lawn. Weeds compete with grass for nutrients, water, and sunlight, which can weaken your lawn and make it more susceptible to diseases and pests.

What are the most common types of weeds found in lawns? 

The most common lawn weeds include dandelions, crabgrass, clover, chickweed, and thistle. Each type of weed has its unique characteristics and control methods.

When is the best time to weed my lawn? 

The best time to weed your lawn is in the early spring and fall when weeds are actively growing. During these times, they are more susceptible to control measures.

How can I prevent weeds from growing in my lawn? 

Preventing weeds involves maintaining a healthy lawn through proper mowing, watering, and fertilizing. Applying a pre-emergent herbicide in early spring can also prevent weed seeds from germinating.

What are some effective methods for weeding my lawn? 

Effective methods include hand-pulling, using a hoe or weeding tool, applying post-emergent herbicides, and maintaining healthy lawn practices to outcompete weeds.

Are there any natural or organic ways to control weeds? 

Yes, natural methods include hand-pulling, mulching, using vinegar-based herbicides, and maintaining a thick, healthy lawn to crowd out weeds.

How can I identify the type of weed in my lawn? 

Identifying weeds involves examining the plant’s characteristics, such as leaf shape, flower color, and growth pattern. There are also online resources and local extension services that can help with weed identification.

Is it better to pull weeds by hand or use herbicides? 

Hand-pulling is effective for small infestations and for removing weeds with deep roots. Herbicides are useful for larger infestations and for controlling weeds that are difficult to remove by hand.

How often should I weed my lawn? 

Regular weeding should be done as needed throughout the growing season. Spot treat weeds as they appear to prevent them from spreading.

I don’t know my lawn type, what can I use? 

Identify your lawn type using online resources, local extension services, or a lawn care professional. Using the correct products for your grass type ensures effective and safe weed control.

What is a broadleaf weed? 

Broadleaf weeds are non-grassy plants with wider leaves, such as dandelions, clover, and chickweed. They are commonly targeted with selective herbicides that do not harm grasses.

Can I compost the weeds I pull from my lawn? 

It’s best to avoid composting weeds that have gone to seed or have persistent roots, as they can regrow in the compost. Weeds without seeds or persistent roots can be composted if your compost pile reaches high temperatures to kill any remaining seeds.

What should I do if I have a severe weed infestation? 

For severe infestations, consider a combination of methods: applying a broad-spectrum herbicide, overseeding to improve lawn density, and adopting proper lawn care practices to prevent future weed growth.

Why am I seeing so many weeds on my lawn? 

Weeds thrive in lawns that are weak, thin, or improperly maintained. Common causes include poor soil conditions, improper mowing, irregular watering, and lack of fertilization.

What are the most difficult weeds to deal with? 

Some of the most difficult weeds include crabgrass, nutsedge, dandelions, and clover. These weeds are resilient and can spread quickly if not managed properly.

What’s the deal with saving the dandelions? 

Dandelions are sometimes left alone because they provide early-season pollen for bees and other pollinators. However, in a lawn setting, they can compete with grass for nutrients and space.

Why do I have crabgrass on my lawn anyway? 

Crabgrass often appears in lawns with poor soil conditions, compaction, or bare spots. It thrives in hot, dry conditions and can be challenging to eliminate once established.

It rained after I applied herbicide, should I reapply? 

If it rained within a few hours of application, the herbicide may have been washed away. Check the product label for specific guidance, but you may need to reapply for effective control.

How many times a year do you treat the lawn? 

Typically, lawns are treated 2-4 times a year, depending on the type of weeds, the condition of the lawn, and the products used. Pre-emergent herbicides are applied in spring and fall, while post-emergents are used as needed.

Why can’t all weeds die with one spraying and still not hurt the grass?

Different weeds have varying resistances and growth habits. Some weeds may require multiple treatments, and selective herbicides are designed to target weeds while minimizing damage to grass.

How long should I wait after an application before I water or cut the grass? 

Wait at least 24 hours after applying herbicide before watering or mowing. This allows the herbicide to be absorbed by the weeds for maximum effectiveness.

Why did my lawn turn yellow after the application? 

Yellowing can occur if the herbicide was overapplied, if the grass was stressed before application, or if the product used was not suitable for your lawn type. Ensure proper application rates and conditions.

Can I use garden herbicides containing glyphosate on my lawn? 

Glyphosate is a non-selective herbicide that kills most plants it contacts. It should not be used on lawns as it will kill the grass. Use selective herbicides designed for lawns.

Can I use lawn herbicides in my garden? 

Lawn herbicides are formulated for grasses and may not be safe for garden plants. Use products specifically labeled for garden use to avoid damaging your plants.

How long do I have to wait after planting a new lawn to use a weed and feed or weed killer?

Wait until the new grass is well established, usually after the third mowing (about 6-8 weeks), before applying any weed and feed or weed killer. Check the product label for specific timing recommendations.

Can I use household products like vinegar to kill weeds? 

Yes, vinegar can be effective on young, small weeds. However, it is non-selective and can harm grass and other plants, so apply it carefully.

How does mowing height affect weed growth? 

Mowing your lawn at the correct height (usually around 3 inches for most grasses) helps maintain healthy grass that can outcompete weeds by shading the soil and reducing weed seed germination.

What role does fertilizing play in weed control? 

Proper fertilization strengthens your lawn, helping it grow thicker and healthier, which in turn helps it outcompete weeds. Over-fertilizing, however, can promote weed growth, so it’s essential to follow recommended guidelines.

How can I deal with persistent weeds that keep coming back? 

Persistent weeds may require multiple treatments and a combination of methods, including improved lawn care practices, targeted herbicide applications, and physical removal.

What are the signs that my lawn has a weed problem? 

Signs include patches of different-looking grass, bare spots, visible weed flowers or leaves, and areas where grass is struggling to grow despite proper care.

How do I treat weeds in newly seeded lawns? 

For new lawns, wait until the grass is established (usually after the third mowing) before applying herbicides. Hand-pulling and spot treatments are safer during the early stages.

Can using mulch help with weed control? 

Yes, mulching around flower beds and garden areas helps suppress weed growth by blocking sunlight and providing a barrier for weed seeds.

What is the difference between pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicides? 

Pre-emergent herbicides prevent weed seeds from germinating, while post-emergent herbicides kill existing weeds. Both are useful at different stages of weed control.

How can I manage weeds in shady areas of my lawn? 

Shady areas can be more prone to weeds due to weaker grass growth. Choose shade-tolerant grass varieties, avoid overwatering, and use mulch or ground covers in heavily shaded spots.

Are there any tools that can make weeding easier? 

Yes, tools like weeding knives, hand weeders, hoes, and weed pullers can make manual weeding easier and more effective, especially for deep-rooted weeds.

How do I deal with weeds in my lawn that have deep roots? 

For deep-rooted weeds like dandelions, use a weeding tool designed to reach deep into the soil, or apply a systemic herbicide that moves through the plant to kill the root.

What should I do after removing weeds from my lawn? 

After removing weeds, reseed or overseed the affected areas to fill in bare spots and prevent new weeds from taking hold. Keep the soil moist until the new grass is established.

How can I control weeds in my garden without harming my flowers or vegetables?

Use organic mulches, hand-pulling, and selective herbicides that are safe for use around flowers and vegetables. Consider using landscape fabric under mulch to further suppress weeds.

Are there any benefits to leaving some weeds in my lawn? 

Some weeds can provide habitat for beneficial insects or improve soil structure. However, most homeowners prefer a weed-free lawn for aesthetic and health reasons.

How do I prevent weeds from spreading from my neighbor’s yard? 

Maintain a healthy, thick lawn, and create a physical barrier if possible. Applying a pre-emergent herbicide along the border can also help prevent weed seeds from taking root.

What should I do if I accidentally over-apply herbicide? 

Water the affected area thoroughly to help dilute the herbicide. Monitor the grass for signs of damage and reseed if necessary.

Can I use salt to kill weeds? 

Salt can be effective but is not recommended for lawns as it can damage the soil and prevent anything from growing in that area for a long time. Use it cautiously and only for spot treatments away from grass.

How can I treat weeds in gravel driveways or walkways? 

Use a combination of pre-emergent herbicides, post-emergent herbicides, and manual removal. Consider using a weed barrier fabric under the gravel to prevent weeds from taking root.

What are the long-term strategies for keeping my lawn weed-free? 

Maintain a healthy lawn with proper mowing, watering, and fertilizing. Regularly inspect your lawn for weeds, use pre-emergent herbicides, and overseed to keep the grass thick and competitive against weeds.

How does soil pH affect weed growth? 

Soil pH affects the types of plants that can thrive. Most grasses prefer slightly acidic to neutral soil (pH 6-7), while some weeds thrive in different pH levels. Test and adjust your soil pH to favor your grass.

What are the environmental impacts of using herbicides? 

Herbicides can have environmental impacts, including potential harm to non-target plants, beneficial insects, and water contamination. Use them responsibly and follow label instructions to minimize these effects.

Are there any specific weed control tips for organic lawns? 

For organic lawns, focus on cultural practices like proper mowing, watering, and fertilization. Use organic mulches, manual weeding, and natural herbicides like vinegar or corn gluten meal.

How can I tell if a weed is annual or perennial? 

Annual weeds complete their life cycle in one year, while perennial weeds return year after year. Perennial weeds often have deeper roots and are harder to control. Identifying the type can help determine the best control method.

Can overseeding help with weed control? 

Yes, overseeding with the appropriate grass type can help create a denser lawn that crowds out weeds. It also helps repair bare spots where weeds could establish.

How can I control weeds in my flower beds without harming the flowers? 

Use mulch to suppress weeds, hand-pull weeds carefully, and use targeted herbicides that are safe for ornamental plants. Landscape fabric under mulch can also help.

What is a selective herbicide, and when should I use it? 

Selective herbicides target specific types of plants, like broadleaf weeds, without harming grass. Use them when you need to control weeds in a lawn without damaging the grass.

How do I manage weeds in my vegetable garden? 

Use organic mulches, practice crop rotation, hand-pull weeds, and consider natural herbicides like vinegar. Avoid chemical herbicides near vegetables to ensure safe consumption.

Can aerating my lawn help with weed control? 

Aerating improves soil health and allows grass roots to grow deeper, making the lawn more competitive against weeds. It also helps alleviate compaction, which can favor weed growth.

What are some common mistakes people make when weeding? 

Common mistakes include pulling weeds improperly (leaving roots behind), overusing herbicides, not weeding regularly, and ignoring lawn health practices that prevent weed growth.

How can I control weeds in paving cracks and driveways? 

Use boiling water, vinegar, or a commercial weed killer for small weeds. For persistent weeds, consider using a weed torch or removing them with a wire brush tool.

What are perennial weeds, and how do I control them? 

Perennial weeds return year after year and often have deep root systems. Control them by digging out the entire root, using systemic herbicides, and maintaining a healthy lawn to outcompete them.

How can I avoid damaging my lawn when using herbicides? 

Follow the label instructions carefully, apply herbicides during calm weather to avoid drift, and use the correct type for the specific weeds you are targeting.

Can I use boiling water to kill weeds? 

Yes, boiling water can effectively kill weeds by destroying their cells. It’s best for use in areas like driveways and sidewalks where you don’t want any plants to grow.

How does watering frequency affect weed growth? 

Overwatering can encourage weed growth. Water your lawn deeply but infrequently to promote deep grass roots and reduce conditions favorable to weeds.

What is the impact of mowing height on weed control? 

Mowing too short weakens grass and favors weed growth. Mowing at the recommended height (around 3 inches for most grasses) helps shade the soil and suppress weeds.

Are there any weed control measures that are safe for pets and children? 

Use organic methods like hand-pulling, mulching, and natural herbicides like vinegar. Always read herbicide labels to find pet- and child-safe options and keep them away from treated areas until safe.

How can I identify weeds that are resistant to herbicides? 

If weeds persist despite herbicide application, they may be resistant. Rotate herbicides with different active ingredients and use integrated weed management practices to reduce resistance.

What role does soil fertility play in weed control? 

Healthy, fertile soil supports strong grass growth, which competes with weeds. Test and amend your soil as needed to provide optimal nutrients for your grass.

Can ground covers help with weed control in my garden? 

Yes, ground covers like clover, thyme, or creeping phlox can suppress weeds by covering the soil and reducing the space available for weeds to grow.

What are some signs that a herbicide application was effective? 

Effective herbicide application results in wilting, yellowing, and eventual death of the weeds. This process can take a few days to a couple of weeks depending on the herbicide.

How do I deal with weed seeds in my compost? 

Ensure your compost pile reaches high temperatures (140-160°F) to kill weed seeds. Avoid adding weeds with mature seeds to your compost pile if you’re unsure it will get hot enough.

Are there any cultural practices that can help reduce weed infestation? 

Cultural practices include proper mowing, fertilizing, watering, and aerating. Maintaining lawn health and density through these practices can significantly reduce weed pressure.

How can I manage weeds in my lawn during drought conditions? 

During drought, water deeply but less frequently to encourage deep roots. Avoid mowing too low and consider using drought-tolerant grass varieties to maintain lawn health.

Can I use landscape fabric for weed control? 

Yes, landscape fabric can be very effective in garden beds and under mulch to prevent weed growth. Ensure it’s installed correctly and covered with mulch to protect it from UV damage.

How can overseeding help prevent weed growth? 

Overseeding fills in thin or bare spots in your lawn, creating a denser turf that can outcompete weeds. Choose grass varieties suitable for your region and overseed annually or as needed.

What are some environmentally friendly weed control methods? 

Environmentally friendly methods include mulching, hand-pulling, using natural herbicides, maintaining healthy soil, and practicing crop rotation in gardens.

How do I deal with weeds that grow back after treatment? 

Persistent weeds may require multiple treatments. Ensure you are using the right method or herbicide, improve lawn care practices, and consider rotating control methods to prevent resistance.

Are there any preventative measures I can take to reduce future weed problems? 

Preventative measures include applying pre-emergent herbicides, maintaining a healthy lawn, proper mowing, fertilization, and watering practices, and promptly addressing any new weed growth.

How do I control invasive weeds that spread aggressively? 

Invasive weeds may require more aggressive control methods, including repeated herbicide applications, physical removal, and improving lawn care practices to prevent their spread.

How can I safely store herbicides and other weed control products? 

Store herbicides and weed control products in their original containers, in a cool, dry place out of reach of children and pets. Follow the manufacturer’s storage instructions to maintain their effectiveness and safety.

How do I handle herbicide spills safely? 

Wear protective clothing and clean up spills immediately using absorbent materials like cat litter or sand. Dispose of the waste according to local hazardous waste regulations. Avoid washing spills into drains or waterways.

Can I mix different types of herbicides for better weed control? 

Mixing herbicides can be effective but should be done cautiously. Always read and follow label instructions, and consider consulting a professional to avoid damaging your lawn or garden.

What is the impact of weather conditions on herbicide application? 

Weather conditions greatly affect herbicide efficacy. Apply herbicides on dry, calm days to prevent drift and wash-off. Extreme temperatures can also reduce effectiveness, so apply when temperatures are moderate.

What are some common signs of herbicide damage to my lawn? 

Signs of herbicide damage include yellowing, wilting, stunted growth, and sometimes browning of grass. Overapplication or applying the wrong herbicide can cause these issues.

How often should I apply pre-emergent herbicides? 

Pre-emergent herbicides should typically be applied once or twice a year, in early spring and sometimes again in late summer or early fall, depending on the type of weeds you are targeting.

What is the best way to handle large areas infested with weeds? 

For large infestations, consider a combination of herbicides, overseeding, and improving lawn care practices. Professional lawn care services may also be helpful for extensive problems.

Are there any benefits to using cover crops for weed control? 

Yes, cover crops can suppress weeds by shading the soil and outcompeting them for nutrients. They also improve soil health and can be tilled into the soil as green manure.

How can I prevent weeds from growing in my mulch? 

Use a thick layer of mulch (3-4 inches) to block sunlight, and consider placing landscape fabric underneath the mulch. Regularly inspect and remove any weeds that do manage to grow.

How do I choose the right herbicide for my lawn? 

Choose a herbicide based on the type of weeds you have and whether you need a selective or non-selective product. Read labels carefully and consider the safety for pets, children, and the environment.

What is the difference between granular and liquid herbicides? 

Granular herbicides are applied as pellets and are often easier to handle and spread evenly. Liquid herbicides can provide more uniform coverage but may require more precise application to avoid drift.

How can I deal with weeds in my lawn during the winter? 

Winter weeds can be managed by applying a pre-emergent herbicide in the fall. Maintain healthy lawn practices year-round to reduce the chances of winter weed establishment.

What are some environmentally friendly pre-emergent herbicides? 

Corn gluten meal is an organic pre-emergent herbicide that can help prevent weed seed germination. It is safe for the environment and can also add nutrients to the soil.

How do I manage weeds in a lawn that is shaded by trees? 

Use shade-tolerant grass varieties, reduce watering to avoid damp conditions that favor weeds, and regularly inspect and hand-pull weeds. Mulching around trees can also help.

What are some effective ways to remove weeds from a newly laid sod lawn? 

Hand-pulling is the safest method for newly laid sod. Once the sod is established, you can use selective herbicides if necessary. Keep the sod well-watered and fertilized to promote strong growth.

Can I use newspaper or cardboard as a weed barrier? 

Yes, layers of newspaper or cardboard can be effective weed barriers in garden beds. They decompose over time and add organic matter to the soil while blocking weed growth.

How do I treat weeds in my lawn after aeration? 

After aeration, it’s a good time to overseed and apply a balanced fertilizer. Avoid applying herbicides immediately after aeration to give new grass seeds the best chance to establish.

Are there any specific weeds that indicate soil health issues? 

Certain weeds can indicate soil health issues. For example, plantain and moss often suggest compacted or poorly drained soil, while clover can indicate low nitrogen levels.

How can I prevent weeds from growing around my lawn edges? 

Use edging materials like bricks, stones, or plastic borders to create a barrier. Apply mulch or a pre-emergent herbicide along edges and keep grass trimmed to reduce seed spread.

What are some strategies for managing weeds in a mixed lawn of grass and clover? 

In mixed lawns, hand-pulling and spot-treating weeds with a selective herbicide that targets broadleaf weeds but is safe for clover and grass can be effective.

Can I use plastic sheeting to control weeds? 

Plastic sheeting can be used for weed control but is less environmentally friendly. It can effectively block weeds but may also prevent water and air from reaching the soil.

How do I manage weeds in my lawn if I have a water shortage? 

Prioritize watering in the early morning, use drought-tolerant grass varieties, and mulch to retain soil moisture. Reduce watering frequency but water deeply to encourage deep root growth.

How do I handle weeds in my lawn that are toxic to pets? 

Identify and remove toxic weeds like foxglove or nightshade immediately. Use pet-safe herbicides and create barriers to prevent pets from accessing treated areas.

How can I control weeds in my lawn with minimal chemical use? 

Focus on cultural practices like proper mowing, watering, and fertilizing. Use organic mulches, natural herbicides, and hand-pulling to minimize chemical use.

What are the benefits of using compost as a mulch for weed control? 

Compost adds nutrients to the soil, improves soil structure, and suppresses weeds by blocking sunlight. It also promotes healthy plant growth, which can outcompete weeds.

How do I manage weeds in my lawn that spread through runners or rhizomes? 

Weeds like Bermuda grass or creeping Charlie spread through runners. Remove them by digging out the entire plant, including the roots and runners. Repeated mowing and herbicide treatments can also help.

What are some low-maintenance alternatives to traditional lawns to reduce weeds? 

Alternatives include ground covers like clover or thyme, ornamental grasses, and xeriscaping with drought-tolerant plants. These options can reduce maintenance and weed growth.

How do I control annual grassy weeds like crabgrass? 

Use a pre-emergent herbicide in early spring to prevent crabgrass seeds from germinating. For established crabgrass, use a post-emergent herbicide and maintain healthy lawn practices to prevent future outbreaks.

Can companion planting help with weed control? 

Companion planting involves growing plants that can naturally repel weeds or reduce weed growth. For example, planting marigolds can deter certain weeds and pests.

How do I deal with weeds that are resistant to herbicides? 

Rotate herbicides with different modes of action, use integrated weed management practices, and improve lawn care to reduce resistance. Manual removal and cultural practices can also help.

How can I control weeds in my lawn during the early stages of establishment? 

During establishment, avoid using herbicides and focus on hand-pulling and spot-treating weeds. Maintain proper watering and fertilization to promote strong grass growth.

Are there any seasonal tips for managing weeds in my lawn? 

In spring, apply pre-emergent herbicides and overseed. In summer, maintain proper mowing and watering. Apply post-emergent herbicides and overseed in fall. Clear debris and prepare for spring treatments in winter.

How can I identify different types of weeds in my lawn? 

Use online resources, gardening books, or apps to identify weeds by their leaf shape, flower color, and growth habit. Local extension services can also provide identification assistance.

What are some tips for weeding after a rainstorm? 

Weeding after a rainstorm is easier as the soil is softer. Use this opportunity to pull weeds, ensuring you get the entire root. It’s an effective time for hand-weeding.

How do I control weeds around my garden ponds or water features? 

Use aquatic-safe herbicides and manual removal. Consider planting aquatic plants that can outcompete weeds and using barriers to prevent weed seeds from entering the water.

Can I use a weed barrier fabric in my vegetable garden? 

Yes, weed barrier fabric can be used in vegetable gardens to reduce weed growth. Ensure it’s permeable to allow water and air to reach the soil and cover it with mulch for added effectiveness.

What are some best practices for applying herbicides to avoid drift and damage? 

Apply herbicides on calm days with little wind, use low-pressure sprayers, and keep the nozzle close to the ground. Shield desirable plants with barriers if necessary, and follow label instructions carefully.

Can I compost lawn clippings after applying weedkiller? 

No, you should not compost lawn clippings from treated areas. The weedkiller residues can persist and harm your compost and any plants that later receive the compost.

How should I dispose of lawn clippings after using weedkiller? 

Collect the lawn clippings and place them in a designated yard waste bag or bin. Check with your local waste management service for proper disposal guidelines, as some areas have specific instructions for chemically treated plant material.

Can I use the clippings as mulch in my garden after applying weedkiller? 

Avoid using clippings from treated areas as mulch around your garden or flower beds. Wait at least one mowing cycle (usually about two weeks) before using clippings as mulch to ensure the weedkiller has degraded.

Should I keep clippings from treated and untreated areas separate? 

Yes, if only part of your lawn was treated with weedkiller, keep clippings from treated and untreated areas separate to avoid cross-contamination.

How long should I wait before using lawn clippings after weedkiller application? 

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the weedkiller label for the recommended interval between treatment and resuming normal use of clippings. This period can vary depending on the type of weedkiller used.

Is it safe to mow the lawn after applying weedkiller? 

Yes, but when mowing after weedkiller application, use a bagging mower to collect clippings rather than leaving them on the lawn. This helps minimize the spread of weedkiller residues.

Can I leave the clippings on the lawn after applying weedkiller? 

It’s best to collect the clippings to prevent the spread of weedkiller residues and to avoid any potential harm to your lawn and surrounding plants.

What precautions should I take when handling lawn clippings after using weedkiller? 

Wear gloves and wash your hands thoroughly after handling lawn clippings from treated areas. Ensure clippings are properly bagged and disposed of according to local guidelines.

Will the weedkiller in clippings affect my soil if I leave them on the lawn? 

Leaving treated clippings on the lawn can lead to the absorption of weedkiller residues into the soil, potentially affecting soil health and nearby plants. It’s best to collect and dispose of them properly.

What should I do if I accidentally use treated clippings as mulch? 

If you accidentally use treated clippings as mulch, monitor the area for signs of damage to plants and soil. Remove the clippings if possible and consider adding fresh mulch to mitigate any adverse effects.

What are examples of the best weedkiller product in the market and their application procedure?

1. Roundup Weed & Grass Killer

  • Application: Apply to actively growing weeds. Spray the product directly onto the leaves until thoroughly wet.
  • Application Rate: Use 6 oz (177 mL) per gallon of water for general weed control. For tough weeds, use 9 oz (266 mL) per gallon of water.

2. Ortho Weed B Gon Weed Killer

  • Application: Apply when weeds are actively growing. Use a sprayer to apply directly to broadleaf weeds.
  • Application Rate: Use 2.5 oz (74 mL) per gallon of water to treat 400 sq. ft. For best results, apply to weeds during their early growth stages.

3. Scotts Turf Builder Weed & Feed

  • Application: Apply to a wet lawn to ensure granules stick to the weeds. Do not water the lawn for 24 hours after application.
  • Application Rate: Use a spreader to apply 2.9 lbs (1.3 kg) per 1,000 sq. ft. of lawn.

4. Spectracide Weed Stop For Lawns

  • Application: Apply to actively growing weeds when the lawn is dry. Spray evenly over the lawn.
  • Application Rate: Use 6.4 fl. oz. (189 mL) per gallon of water to cover 300 sq. ft. Repeat application every two weeks if necessary.

5. Preen Garden Weed Preventer

  • Application: Apply to the soil surface in garden beds and around trees and shrubs before weed seeds germinate.
  • Application Rate: Apply 1 oz (28 g) per 10 sq. ft. and lightly water the treated area to activate the product.

6. Bayer Advanced All-in-One Lawn Weed & Crabgrass Killer

  • Application: Spray directly onto weeds and crabgrass when actively growing.
  • Application Rate: Mix 4 oz (118 mL) per gallon of water to cover 500 sq. ft.

7. Southern Ag 2,4-D Amine Weed Killer

  • Application: Mix the product according to the label instructions and apply with a sprayer directly to the leaves of broadleaf weeds.
  • Application Rate: Use 2-3 tablespoons per 3-5 gallons of water to cover 1,000 sq. ft. of lawn.

8. Green Gobbler Vinegar Weed & Grass Killer

  • Application: Apply on a sunny, dry day. Spray the product directly onto the leaves of the weeds until wet.
  • Application Rate: Use full strength, apply directly to the foliage of the weeds.

9. Tenacity Turf Herbicide

  • Application: Mix according to label instructions and apply with a sprayer to actively growing weeds.
  • Application Rate: Use 0.5 teaspoons per gallon of water to cover 1,000 sq. ft. Add a non-ionic surfactant for better results.

10. BioAdvanced All-In-One Lawn Weed & Crabgrass Killer

  • Application: Apply to actively growing weeds and crabgrass.
  • Application Rate: Mix 4.3 oz (127 mL) per gallon of water to cover 500 sq. ft.


Managing weeds is essential for a healthy, vibrant lawn. By following the advice in these FAQs, you can effectively control weeds, handle lawn clippings safely, and maintain a lush, green lawn. Consistent care and proper practices will help you enjoy a beautiful, weed-free lawn year-round.

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